Monthly Archives: June 2014

Days off


To celebrate finishing my first uni subject, I decided to take a couple of days off work to just relax. And relax is pretty much what I have done. A trip to the library to get some trashy novels was followed by a lot of time on the couch reading said trashy novels. I did throw in a spot of gardening yesterday. I mowed the lawn and commiserated with my pumpkin seedlings which have been badly nibbled on by something. I give you exhibit A.

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So I improvised and put plastic cups over all of them. I probably need to go and check they haven’t all blown away.

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Meant to be studying


I’m meant to be studying for my exam which is in a couple of weeks. So of course I am doing anything but studying. I have dyed some fabric, cut out more hexagons and even ordered my groceries online.

Oh well, it is a long weekend so plenty of time to hit the books.