Category Archives: Patchwork

Quilt group activities?


Not sure how I got talked into it, but I agreed to be my quilt group’s night meeting coordinator. I can’t complain too much, I figure I have been going long enough it’s probably my turn.

The only problem is now I have to figure out what I am going to do with a bunch of ladies for the next year. A lot of time we just turn up and sew, knit and chat, but we like to scatter in activities through the year to give people the opportunity to learn something new.

Any one have any suggestions for some activities for a group of crafty ladies? Anything we could make by hand in a couple of hours would be perfect.

Sewing wise, I haven’t been up to much. Still working on eight point stars. Up to 29 out of 80. I feel like I am starting to master making them by machine though.

Eight point stars


I’m working my way through the seamstress quilt. The quilt has 80, eight-point stars and they are some what of a pain. I decided to machine sew them. That might have worked out okay if they were a bit bigger, but the finished size is 5 inches. Lots of tiny stretchy pieces. Even starching doesn’t seem to help that much. So far I have 10. Some I have done on the machine, and some I have done with English Paper Piecing. The English Paper Piecing ones are definitely tidier, but I don’t know that I want to hand sew 70 more stars.

I think I just need to practice some patience, put some music on and get on with it.

Finally finished


I’ve been working on this one for a while. I started hand quilting it years ago and then went through a period where I stopped hand quilting. I realised a few weeks back I only had a little bit left to go. After a few solid days of quilting and binding, it is finally finished.

Its over 2 metres wide so hard to get a good photo.

Now I need a new project.

Happy New Year


Hope you are all having a fantastic holiday period.

My work place closes over Christmas and New Year so I have had the last week off work. Weather wise we have been fluctuating between extreme heat and big storms so aside from Christmas day with family most of the last week has been spent indoors.

I pulled a quilt off my UFO pile, that I started hand quilting many years ago, and decided its time to finish it. So, a lot of quilting, napping and watching tv has happened. Probably more napping than anything else.

I’ve also made some good progress on my quilt group challenge. At my last quilt group meeting of the year we had a slightly different gift exchange. At a previous meeting everyone was given an identical box and a list of what to include (things like a piece of fabric and some thread). The boxes were then exchanged and the challenge is to make something with the contents of the box you received before our first meeting of 2024.

This is what I received and it’s definitely a challenge. I couldn’t think of anything that could have used all of it in one item.

This is what I came up with so far…

I used the Christmas buttons to make a button tree wall hanging.

I put the fabric I received on the back, as the buttons would have disappeared if I had used it on the front.

Then with the elastic I made a pencil roll with the elastic and the pink thread.

I still have the butterfly charms, crochet angel and the blue thread but not sure what to do with them. I might just consider the challenge complete at this point.



Still not much sewing, but I have been doing lots of other things. I have been trying to go for some walks and doing some online courses in writing to try and get myself enthused about actually finishing something I have started writing.

There is some progress though. I have assembled all the blocks for my disappearing hourglass.

Not entirely happy with the points on some blocks but think they will be close enough when pressed.

Scrappy quilt and spring


I think I promised last time to show the scrappy quilt I finished. Well here it is… being held up by two volunteers at my craft group.

All from the stash including the backing and binding.

I also managed to find time to make some shopping bags. Awhile back I bought some Australian animal panels thinking I would make some table runners. I pulled them out the other day and realised that of the four I had, two were the same. I wasn’t really in the mood for making table runners as I was a bit over quilting after finishing the above monster quilt and the blocks I posted about last time, but thought that the blocks in the panel were the perfect size for the front for a shopping bag. So…I chopped up one of the duplicates and made 3 bags.

It’s finally hit spring here, and all the grevilleas in my garden have come into bloom. So I thought I would leave you with some pictures of my garden. I’ve always loved grevilleas and would love to work them into a quilt some day, but they are way too spidery for applique, and I am tossing up how else you might best represent them.

The mango tree is also in bloom. Quite prolifically too. However, how much fruit we get depends on the weather between now and Christmas and whether I get to the fruit before the birds and bats do.

More UFOs


Not a lot going on here sewing wise. I have managed to finish and pin 3 more scrappy ufos from my ufo pile. They are sitting ready to quilt…

I have a fair bit of quilting ahead of me and they are all decent size quilts, at least 2m wide.

I’ve kind of made a bit of a promise that my next project after this is going to be something small.

Scappy UFO


I managed to finish another one from my UFO pile. I know why I left this one so long. I mean I love it but I did no planning for the seams when I put it together and it was a pain to quilt because they were a bit thick in places, so I left the quilting to straight lines in one direction.

Also it is huge. 2 metres by 2 metres (or six foot for you metric folks). For some reason it looks smaller in the photo.

It will go to my brother and his wife when I see them in a few weeks.

Busy – but not that busy


Somehow it has been a month almost since I last posted, and I have been busy but not busy enough to justify not posting.

The big news is that I finally finished my online course on computer programming and am coming to the conclusion that I am not sufficiently interested in programming to make anything of it; which is a good thing to know so I am not dismissing it as a total waste of time. Plus, I now have a better understanding of how different things work and I worked my brain a little which is always a good thing as you get older.

I also managed to finish my UFO from my last post. I quilted and faced and it is now hanging on my board while I figure out what to do with it. I think I figured out that it used to be the eagle block from Maggi McCormick Gordon’s 1000 great quilt blocks. It’s a bit more obvious when you look at it straight on.

I also finished another mini quilt from my UFO pile. It had been on the pile for a while and I had already bound it but somehow damaged the binding. I didn’t have enough matching material left to remove and rebind so decided to face this one too. I’m not sure the picture does the colours justice.

Last weekend was a lot of running around. Saturday some of my quilt group went on a road trip to a quilt show on the other side of town, with lots of stops on the way there and the way back at quilt shops and other shops. There were some lovely quilts and a fun day out. On Sunday I went in the other direction and met an old friend for a craft fair at a large country town near here. The fair was quite small, but I did do a lovely class on acrylic ink painting and painted some pears. I bought a fat quarter to match, but still haven’t figured out what I am going to do with them.

The other news is, that back in March I did a pottery wheel turning course. I finally got an email a couple of weeks ago saying I could pick up my pots. Here they are…

Not sure what I am going to do with them. The one with the hole might make a nice little plant pot.