Tag Archives: self delusion

-97 points


I have had some reasons recently, which I won’t go into, to contemplate the topic of self-delusion. It made me think a little more than usual about how honest I am with myself. One glaringly obvious example of denial is the fact that over the last couple of weeks I have gotten into the rather bad habit of skipping days where I track my points, particularly on those days where I know I am way over. Which is kind of crazy especially when you consider that I am paying Weight Watchers for the use of the tracker, though probably no crazier than the thousand of gym memberships people have and never use. So this week I set myself the task of actually recording everything, no matter how bad it was, and it was bad (there was a work dinner and flurry of morning teas). I ended up with -97 points. Which is fairly atrocious, and not surprisingly I put on a kilo. And I actually think that being honest helps. Seeing those negative points add up has over the last couple of days caused me to be a lot more restrained, and I think will help going forward.

In other news – 

  • the sewing machine is back from the repair person, with a new tension unit,  and is sewing beautiful. I managed to finish two quilt tops today.
  • Thanks to the work dinner, and a walk this morning where I stopped in at a strange newsagent I am now up to 20 places I haven’t been before.
  • The writing – not so good, but I have run out of free turns of plants vs zombies so perhaps my run on procrastination will come to an end.