

I am finished.

647 pages of Sartre and 1002 quilt blocks.

In the book they go up to  1003* but there is no 548. A while ago that might have bothered me, but it doesn’t now. There are other errors in the book too, but overall I think given its size and scope there are surprisingly few. It’s no more perfect than my blocks are, probably more so. One thing I have learned over the course of this journey is that I am not a perfectionist, and I think I am okay with that.

I don’t think it has quite sunk in yet that I am finished. My brain is still in the what do I have to do next kind of thinking.

Thanks to everyone who has read and commented and given me encouragement over the last year. I really don’t think I could have done it without the sense of accountability the blog has given me.

Here is your last lot of blocks, then I am going to go update the gallery, then I am going to go to bed. I will probably not blog for a while. Will post some pics when I make something out of all these blocks.

*I know I said in an earlier post there was 1007, but if there is one thing that you should have learnt by now it’s that I really can’t count.

9 responses »

    • Well, I have to make quilts out of all my blocks, but I guess there is no hurry for that. I am thinking that my next big challenge will be to write a novel. I’ve always wanted to do it, and I’ve had an idea for a while but keep quitting after the first chapter. Now I have my persistance levels up I might give it another go. Even if it never gets published it will be a big accomplishment to write the whole thing.

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